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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

I have been reading Tarot cards for around 20 years now. I have  taught others to read also. I finally put together a book about the subject which is very dear to me. It is the spiritual path that is important. Tarot is just a tool to allow you to tap into your intuitive side. Everyone has their own way of interpreting those messages. You will find that in time you don't need any tools at all. But we all have to start somewhere. I am very passionate about helping others to find the right spiritual path for them.


I am currently designing my very own tarot cards. The drawings within my book are the very beginnings of the designs.


I will share when they are complete.




Are there any questions you can't or won't answer during a read?


Yes, you should never give legal, medical or investment advice unless you are qualified to do so. It is up
to the individual how you approach matters such as a death.

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